
Development of recycled clay

Amakusa pottery clay, which is the raw material of Arita porcelain, is the only pottery clay in the world that can be turned into porcelain without adding any additives. Its reserves are said to be several million tons and will not be depleted any time soon.

However, I do not want to forget the awareness that I am using natural raw materials brought by the earth. As one of the means to give shape to the stance of manufacturing that pays respect to nature, unsellable B products that are produced during the manufacturing process are pulverized and reused. In addition, for the first time in the production area, we have developed a recycled pottery clay that uses iron-rich pottery stone called striped stone, which is rarely used in production areas that demand whiteness.


Arita-yaki and other types of pottery use natural raw materials, so they unintentionally crack or appear black spots. These are treated as B products, and those that cannot be sold are disposed of as industrial waste. I felt uncomfortable with this situation, and decided to pulverize and reuse it.

not used

Speaking of Arita porcelain, it is pure white. This is the image of pottery stone found in a limited area of ​​the pottery stone vein, and in some cases it is made white by repeated treatments. In the midst of this, we focused on a stone (striped stone) that is not often used in the production area because it contains a lot of iron. A plate that is whitened with time and effort is also good, but there are various ways to capture the charm of the material, and one of the characteristics is that it has a lot of iron. We dared to use materials that can be repelled, aiming for the expression of a material with a rich texture.


It is pottery clay that uses "things that cannot be used" and "things that cannot be used".

Let's start with the ARITA JIKI series.